Goldwater Scholarship

True Gibson
2017 Goldwater Scholar
True Gibson, class of 2018, is majoring in Honors Biochemistry and Biophysics and is currently working with Dr. Ryan Mehl's lab incorporating synthetic amino acids into functional proteins and using them to regulate and engineer protein function in living systems. True's career interest is in neuroscience and he plans to earn a Ph.D. and work to uncover a better understanding of the neurological processes that give to higher cognition in humans through basic research.
Gregory Mirek Brandt
2017 Goldwater Scholar
Mirek Brandt is a 3rd year undergraduate studying light-matter interactions with Dr. Graham in the Department of Physics. This May, he will be defending his thesis on the topic of crystal structure in organic based solar cells. He is passionate about the physics of space and time, and plans to study gravitation and cosmology in graduate school. He will be graduating in 2018 with a B.Sc in Math and Physics

Delaney Smith
2017 Goldwater Honorable Mention
Delaney Smith, class of 2019 is majoring in Honors Biochemistry and Biophysics and Education with a minor in Chemistry. She is currently involved in research in two different projects: with Dr. Angela Ozburn to investigate an effective treatment for problem drinking and investigate the molecular basis of addiction; and with Dr. Jeff Chang to characterize the ecological role of a toxic protein delivery system used by pathogenic bacteria. Delaney’s ultimate goal as a researcher is to work in the field of molecular medicine. She intends to earn an M.D./Ph.D., teach a computational genetics and practice as an emergency room physician at a medical school teaching hospital.
Boren Scholarship Award

Helene Matschel
Boren Scholarship
Helene is an undergraduate student earning Honors degrees in Agricultural Sciences and French at Oregon State University. She will study Wolof language with the African Flagship Languages Initiative in Florida this summer and then participate in the CIEE Dakar, Senegal Language and Culture program in fall 2017.
Fulbright US Student Program

Lynda Bradley
Fulbright US Student Scholar
Study/Research Grant
South Africa
Lynda graduated from OSU in 2015 with an Honors B.S. in Biochemistry and Biophysics. She will collaborate on a research project with Dr. Alexander Pym at the KwaZulu-Natal Research Institute for Tuberculosis and HIV in Durban, South Africa, to characterize mutations of clinically acquired antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis strains and then test these strains with various antibiotics to determine effective treatments.

Sarah Brown
Fulbright US Student Scholar
Study/Research Grant
Sarah graduated in 2016 with a BA in Sociology through OSU’s E-campus. In collaboration with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Balaton Uplands Local Action Group leadership, Sarah will research rural development in in Veszprém County, Hungary using available documents and evaluations, interviews and site visits.

Caitlyn Clark
Fulbright US Student Scholar
Study/Research Grant
Caity is a current PhD student in Mechanical Engineering and a 2014 OSU graduate in Honors Ecological Engineering. In collaboration with researchers in the Division of Reliability, Dynamics, and Marine Engineering at Aalborg University in Denmark, she will design a computational optimization algorithm to characterize risk and reliability in marine renewable energy systems with co-located wave and floating offshore wind turbine devices.

Arianna Kahler Quesada
Fulbright US Student Scholar
Study/Research Grant
Medical Sciences
Arianna, a graduating senior in Honors Biochemistry and Biophysics, was selected for the Sydel grant, a charitable contribution made to the organization that administers the Fulbright. She will work in collaboration with Dr. Christian Toso at the University of Geneva, Switzerland to investigate the risk that fatty liver disease poses on the recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after surgical resection or transplantation.

Ian Morelan
Fulbright US Student Scholar
Study/Research Grant
Ian is a current PhD student in Molecular and Cellular Biology. He will work in collaboration with Dr. Ingrid Bakke at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology to evaluate the feasibility of a new approach to create stable microbial communities that will outcompete pathogens in Norwegian aquaculture systems.

Sara Bennett
Fulbright US Student Scholar
English Teaching Assistantship
Czech Republic
Sara is a graduating senior in Honors Political Science and International Studies with minors in Spanish and English. She will be placed as an assistant teacher in an English class in a Czech secondary school.
Gilman Scholarship
For a full list of OSU Gilman Scholars,
please visit: