Goldwater Scholarship

Tucker Holston
Goldwater Scholar
Tucker Holstun '21 is a graduating senior studying Chemical Engineering and has been selected to be a Barry Goldwater Scholar for the 2020-2021 academic year. Tucker works as a research assistant in the lab of Zhenxing Feng, an assistant professor of chemical engineering. In the lab, Tucker is working to develop surface coatings to increase the energy density of material's used to make lithium-ion batteries. This research has the potential to significantly decrease the costs associated with the expansion of renewable energy.

Yesh Godse
Goldwater Scholar
Yesh Godse ’21 is a graduating senior earning an Honors bachelor of science in Computer Science. Yesh conducts research in OSU's Dynamic Robotics Laboratory on intelligent robotics, specifically using deep reinforcement learning (a subset of artificial intelligence) to control locomotion in humanoid robots. After graduating, he is planning to begin a robotics/computer science doctoral program.
Fulbright US Student Program

Ryan Baumbusch
Fulbright Scholar
Study/Research Grant
Ryan, a PhD student in Wildlife Science, has been awarded a Fulbright Study/Research Grant to Spain in the field of Zoology. Using a dataset stretching back more than a century, Ryan will analyze the importance of individual and environmental quality on the reproductive success of a population of Spanish Imperial Eagles in Doñana National Park. He will work with Dr. Miguel Ferrer, a world-renowned raptor biologist and the leading authority on Spanish Imperial Eagles, at the Doñana Biological Station in Seville, Spain.

Bella Karabinas
Fulbright Scholar
Study/Research Grant
Bella is a graduating senior earning an Honors BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and an Honors BA in Psychology. Bella has been awarded a Fulbright Study/Research Grant to Spain in the field of Neuroscience. She will be working in partnership with Dr. Moro and Dr. Lizasoain at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid to investigate the role of the immune system in producing neuroinflammation after stroke. Bella will investigate the potential of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), implicated in the pathogenesis of stroke, as a therapeutic target. This research will contribute to the development of novel treatments to help people that are recovering from stroke.

Marika Stock
Fulbright Scholar
Study/Research Grant
Marika is a graduating senior earning an Honors BS in Earth Sciences (Geology,) has been offered the Study/Research Grant to Denmark. Marika has declined the award in favor of an offer to pursue a fully funded PhD position with the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Rochester, NY. In addition to coursework and teaching, Marika will conduct research to improve knowledge of the global methane (greenhouse gas) budget by measuring and analyzing geologic emissions and comparing them with relevant ice core records.

Jeremy Chu
Fulbright Scholar Alternate
English Teaching Assisstantship
Jeremy is currently an alternate for the Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to Macau. Jeremy earned a BS in Biology (pre-medicine) in 2018 with a minor in Chemistry, and currently works as a public school teacher in Houston, TX. If selected, Jeremy will be assigned to a higher education institution in Macau where he will offer English tutorial support as well as organize language-related cross-cultural student activities.
Stanford Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program

Jordan Conger
Stanford Knight-Hennessey Scholar
Oregon State University alumnus Jordan Conger of Bend has become the first student from an Oregon school to be accepted as a Knight Hennessy Scholar at Stanford University. Jordan graduated from OSU in 2017 with a degree in mathematical economics.
Jordan will pursue a master’s degree in environment and resources in Stanford’s School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences and an MBA in the Graduate School of Business. He has worked in politics and government for nine years overall. Jordan helped develop and pass legislation to launch central Oregon’s first four-year university, OSU – Cascades, to enhance whistleblower protections for government workers, and to allow women to purchase birth control without a doctor’s prescription – making Oregon the first state in the country to remove that barrier to access. Jordan aspires to shape future energy and climate solutions and eventually return to public service.
Gilman Scholarship
- Jett Seale, Japan
- Jordyn Hamilton, Argentina
- Cynthia de la Torre, Botswana
- Esmeralda Sanchez, Malaysian Borneo
- Catie Boucher, Bhutan
- Dayne Smith, New Zealand
- Rebecca Larrabee, France
- Julia Zavala, Argentina
- Metzin Rodriguez, Spain
For a full list of OSU Gilman Scholars,
please visit: