Résumés, CV's, and Cover Letters

Résumés, CVs, and Cover Letters

Some scholarship and fellowship applications require a résumé, CV, or cover letter. It can be daunting to know how to begin to write these documents. Luckily, we have resources to make this process easier for you! 

Check out OSU's Career Development Center website: How to Create Résumés, CVs, and Cover Letters

Or, explore some of Career Development Center's helpful resource documents below: 



"The purpose of a résumé is to market your skills and experience to ultimately secure an interview. In this competitive job market, employers may receive hundreds of résumés and so only spend a few seconds with each. How can you capture their attention? Put your most relevant skills, experiences, projects, volunteering, etc. in the top half of the résumé. And don’t try to cram in everything you’ve ever done, focus it on this job and what this specific employer is looking for. Learn more about making a great résumé below." - Career Development Center 


Curriculum Vitae (CV): 

"You may also need to create a curriculum vitae (CV), especially if you are applying for academic, education, scientific or research positions.  A CV, which includes more detailed information on your education and career, is also commonly used when applying for scholarships, fellowships and grants." - Career Development Center 


Cover Letters: 

"The purpose of the cover letter is to introduce yourself to the employer in a way that makes a positive first impression. A cover letter should make it clear to the employer why you are interested in the position and what value you can bring to the organization. Review these resources for details on what to include in a cover letter." - Career Development Center